Second Short Scientific Course 2 - Maastricht
The second Short Scientific Course was a success!
From November 25th to 29th, the DCs took part in the Immunology Training at Maastricht University.
During their stay, our students worked together to map the complex human immune system, and, inspired and guided by lectures on neutrophils and general and specific immunology, they delved into the mechanisms of the immune response involved in sepsis. The DCs had also the opportunity to learn more about the patenting process, an area that could play a significant role in their future careers. This included exchanging with experts in the field and learning about some success stories from Maastricht University.
Furthermore, on November 27th the Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM), the research institute which is a partner of our consortium organized the annual CARIM Symposium, which gave our students the possibility to interact with talented scientists and learn about their projects and attend interesting speeches from experts in many different fields, ranging from clinical care to climate change.
Additionally, the students engaged in discussions on diversity and inclusion, two core values for an international network like ours. These discussions underlighted the importance of fostering an open, inclusive and collaborative environment.
Between a lecture and another, they also had the time to enjoy one of Maastricht local dishes, zoervleis, and they also learned how to pronounce it somewhat correctly.
A special thanks goes to Dr. Gerry Nicolaes and Dr. Kanin Wichapong for organizing such an interesting and stimulating training!
The next meeting will take place in Brussels during the ISICEM symposium in March where our PhD students will have a chance to talk about their research and their progress so far. See you there!
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