First Short Scientific Course 1 - Uppsala
From September 30th to October 4th, our doctoral candidates (DCs) traveled to Uppsala for their first Short Scientific Course 1 (SSC1) on Clinical aspects of drug development.
During this training, they had the chance to deepen their knowledge on sepsis, learning about current clinical treatments and spending time in the intensive care unit (ICU). These visits provided first hand insight into the physiological and societal impact of sepsis, which allowed them to better appreciate the importance of clinical research on this condition. Witnessing the effects of sepsis on patients gave our DCs an extra drive to work towards developing new therapeutics and diagnostics for sepsis care.
Our PhD students also had the opportunity to train their presentation skills and receive constructive scientific feedback, but also to familiarize themselves with the paper publication process. They have also embarked on a project-based learning activity that will accompany them through their whole PhDs. Through this project they will navigate the intricate stages of drug development.
And finally, under the guidance of Dr. Stephanie Franzen and Prof. Miklós Lipcsey, the DCs were trained on the fascinating world of large animal models, and their major role in drug discovery.
Of course, they also embraced a beloved Swedish tradition: fika — enjoying coffee breaks and bonding with each other!
And with that, the first official training comes to an end, see you next time in Maastricht!
Hej då!