EU Doctoral Network PRAETORIAN funded


The project PRAETORIAN (EuroPean Training NetwoRks to TArget DAMPs and NETs: novel apprOaches in pRecision SepsIs pAtieNt care), coordinated by Dr Gerry Nicolaes and Dr Kanin Wichapong (Dept of Biochemistry) has been selected for funding by the European Union within the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie research and innovation programme to train 10 doctoral candidates:

PRAETORIAN is an interdisciplinary and international consortium involving five partners from academia (Universities of Maastricht, Paris, Münster, Uppsala, and Institute for Biomedical Research Barcelona), seven partners from industry, four organisations representing the perspective of patients and society and two organisations for international dissemination and outreach. The goal of the PRAETORIAN is the establishment of a highly interdisciplinary research and educational training platform for doctoral candidates in the (bio)medical sciences to optimally design novel therapeutics and diagnostics and to increase their employability in both academia and industry.

In this project, multidisciplinary approaches by a combination of computational (in silico) and experimental methods will be applied to investigate the molecular mechanisms of DAMPs and NETs in the pathogenesis of sepsis and immunothrombosis and to develop new bioactive compounds to regulate key drug targets involved in pathogenic pathways that lead to sepsis and/or immunothrombotic disease.

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